The most important step is to understand your financial situation completely. Second, you need to make sure copies of important records are in your control. You should obtain or consider:
Birth certificates - You and the children
Complete copies of tax returns for at least the last three years
Copies of all deeds, stocks, bonds, brokerage statements, etc.
Inventory all items in your safe deposit box
Copies of all debt instruments - Loans, mortgages, leases, etc.
Copies of wills, marriage certificate, trust agreements, marriage contracts, etc.
Copies of insurance agreements - Life, auto, business, etc.
Inventory of home and personal assets - Photos or video tapes will assist in establishing contents
Copies of all monthly bank statements
Copies of all retirement plans and statements
Make sure all taxes are paid and up-to-date
Personal auto - Make sure it is in good condition
Family business - You need to be familiar will all aspects of the financial situation
Do not sign blank documents
Make sure you get a complete medical and dental check up. Determine if you and the children have health insurance coverage should you separate.
Stash some cash. Have enough on hand or in traveler checks to get by on until your attorney can get the court to award temporary support.
Copies of credit reports from the three major reporting companies
Contact all credit card companies, mortgage company and other debtors. Ask what type of account you have. (Joint, individual, etc.)
The most important step is to understand your financial situation completely. Second, you need to make sure copies of important records are in your control. You should obtain or consider:
Birth certificates - You and the children
Complete copies of tax returns for at least the last three years
Copies of all deeds, stocks, bonds, brokerage statements, etc.
Inventory all items in your safe deposit box
Copies of all debt instruments - Loans, mortgages, leases, etc.
Copies of wills, marriage certificate, trust agreements, marriage contracts, etc.
Copies of insurance agreements - Life, auto, business, etc.
Inventory of home and personal assets - Photos or video tapes will assist in establishing contents
Copies of all monthly bank statements
Copies of all retirement plans and statements
Make sure all taxes are paid and up-to-date
Personal auto - Make sure it is in good condition
Family business - You need to be familiar will all aspects of the financial situation
Do not sign blank documents
Make sure you get a complete medical and dental check up. Determine if you and the children have health insurance coverage should you separate.
Stash some cash. Have enough on hand or in traveler checks to get by on until your attorney can get the court to award temporary support.
Copies of credit reports from the three major reporting companies
Contact all credit card companies, mortgage company and other debtors. Ask what type of account you have. (Joint, individual, etc.)
Change of Name-Form SS-5, Social Security Administration
Change of Address-Form 8822-IRS
Change of Withholding-Form W-4-Employer
Change Your Will
Change Your Trust
Change Your Life Insurance Beneficiary
Change Your Retirement Accounts Beneficiary
Change Your Bank Accounts
Change Your Brokerage Accounts
Change All Titles and Deeds Contact the IRS and State in Reference to Estimated Tax Payments Made
Change Credit Cards
Change Ownership of Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds
a. Filing Status b. Tax Estimates c. Sale of Assets d. Dependent Exemptions
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